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The Top 5 Challenges.....

  The Top 5 Challenges people face when trying to improve their health (or any area of life!)   Since becoming a Coach, the more I talk to friends, clients and groups of people, the more I come to realize that we are all the same in many ways. We are all experiencing many of the same challenges even though they may manifest themselves in different ways.   I have noticed 5 common challenges that we all face when trying to improve our health or any area of our lives. I’ve listed them here along with the ways that I can help you overcome them.   1.      1.  We are on information overload.  We have a vast amount of information literally at our fingertips these days! Ever consult “Dr. Google” when a new symptom appears? (me too!) Ever google “how to” do something and find 10,321 different ways to do it? (me too!) The crazy thing is that often the information we find is conflicting, which only gives us more and more confusion. Should I do this or t...
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What is Sugar doing in your body?

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4 Health Paradigms to Live Your Life By

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Rewind The Clock ⏰ Tips to Reverse Aging!

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What is a Health & Life Coach? ......and why I decided to become one......

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The Importance of a Morning Routine

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My Liver Rescue 3:6:9 Journal: Days 7-9 and Final Thoughts

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