4 Health Paradigms to Live Your Life By
Many potential clients reach out to me for help with nutrition. Although I am not a dietician, I have read and researched, learned and experimented, lost and gained weight, studied and….well you get the picture! I love sharing what I have learned and I have many paradigms that naturally come up in coaching sessions with my clients.
I’d love to share my “Top 4” with you now as well as a brief bit of reasoning behind them.
#1: There is no one perfect diet that exists for everyone on the planet.
We are all very different humans. And thank goodness for that! How boring would it be if we were all the same and ate the same things day in and day out? We all have different genetic makeups and were raised in and currently live in different environments. All of these things in combination not only influence our microbiome, but also our life experience. It only makes sense that one way of eating will not work for everyone. If we all ate the same foods, there would be no celebrating our differences. Again, boring!!
#2: There is no one diet that will work for you at every stage of your life.
If you haven’t noticed, our bodies are constantly changing and adapting to new environments. What worked for you as a teenager may not work for you in your 30s. And what worked for you in your 30s may not work for you in your 50s. It is important to constantly notice how different foods effect you throughout your life. It is probably always changing. Your body is your greatest experiment. Most of us have stopped listening to what our bodies tell us. We tend to outsource to others/the internet/the “experts” rather than listen to our own intuition and bodies.
Think about one food that you instinctively know that you should probably refrain from eating. See-you already know! We sometimes find it easier to not listen to that all-knowing inner voice of ours. Your body will tell you exactly what it needs if you learn to listen.
#3: Diets as we know them are not sustainable for a lifetime.
There are so many diets out there! Paleo, Keto, vegetarian, Atkins and on and on. There are too many to name. And many of them are complete opposites! Which one is best for you? Which one can you stick with for a lifetime? Hint: probably none of them.
Some of these diets might work for you for a short period of time. The keyword is “short”! Some people can stick to a diet for a few days and others for a few months. And the worst part is, once you go back to your “normal” way of eating, most of us will gain more weight than we lost on the strict diet. How frustrating!
For most people, a strict eating plan is not sustainable for a lifetime. It feels like you’re depriving yourself. And who wants to live in deprivation? That’s no fun and definitely no way to live.
In my coaching practice, I do offer guided eating plans. I even follow one maybe once or twice a year. The plans that I offer that were created by Registered Dieticians are only meant to be followed for 14-28 days. They are a great way to cleanse your system, heal your body, and find what might work best for you that one point in your life. I do not recommend trying to follow a strict diet for eternity.
I strongly believe that you should be able to eat cake on your birthday or drink champagne at a wedding without feeling guilt and shame!
#4: Food is medicine.
Many health conditions can be greatly improved and sometimes even reversed by eating a healthy diet. This is such an empowering viewpoint! You can begin to heal many aches and pains, diseases and symptoms by making the correct choices every time you put something into your mouth. If you’ve visited my website, you’ll know that dietary changes were a huge part of my own personal health journey. Healthy eating is an important piece of the Mind~Body~Spirit health and healing process.
So, what do you think? I’d love to hear your opinions! Do you agree or disagree with these paradigms? Do you have any of your own that you hold as true in your own personal life and health and wellness journey?
Please visit my website at Bfitandwellcoaching.com to schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session.
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