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Showing posts from April, 2021

4 Health Paradigms to Live Your Life By

  4 Health Paradigms to Live Your Life By Many potential clients reach out to me for help with nutrition. Although I am not a dietician, I have read and researched, learned and experimented, lost and gained weight, studied and….well you get the picture! I love sharing what I have learned and I have many paradigms that naturally come up in coaching sessions with my clients.    I’d love to share my “Top 4” with you now as well as a brief bit of reasoning behind them.   #1: There is no one perfect diet that exists for everyone on the planet.  We are all very different humans. And thank goodness for that! How boring would it be if we were all the same and ate the same things day in and day out? We all have different genetic makeups and were raised in and currently live in different environments. All of these things in combination not only influence our microbiome, but also our life experience. It only makes sense that one way of eating will not work for everyone. If...

Rewind The Clock ⏰ Tips to Reverse Aging!

Teaching people to “Rewind the Clock” and actually begin to reverse aging, is one of my favorite workshops to host. Most people I’ve talked to believe that we decline with age in every which way. Most people think that we are doomed to be a mess of unbalanced hormones, unsightly wrinkles, aching bodies, pudgy tummies, and riddled with brain fog. No wonder why no one wants to get old!! That sounds absolutely miserable and nothing that anyone would want to be a part of. No wonder why the preventative aging beauty market and plastic surgeons are making a fortune!   So what is the alternative? What if we could age gracefully and reverse some of the signs of aging that we might already be experiencing? What if we could begin to improve with age; become more comfortable in our bodies; more comfortable with who we are? What if we could spend most of our time doing the things we love with people we love? What if we could live an enjoyable life to a ripe old age and simply pass away peacefu...