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Showing posts from January, 2021

What is a Health & Life Coach? ......and why I decided to become one......

  Health & Life Coaches have been around for quite some time. But if you are anything like I was, you had never considered them much or had a complete misunderstanding of what a coach actually is and does. For this reason, I wanted to give you a little more information.   To begin with, I think it is helpful to discuss what a coach is NOT. A good coach is not someone who tells you what to eat, how much to exercise or how to behave in order to be healthy and happy. How does that land for you? Is that upsetting? Like maybe you were thinking, “why can’t I just pay someone to tell me how to lose weight/have energy/feel my best/have a fulfilling career/get the most out of my relationship?” After all, that would solve all of my problems, right? Wrong!   The fact of the matter is, most of us already know what we SHOULD be doing. We have a general idea about the kinds of foods we should be eating and how much we should be exercising. We know we should be taking better care of...